以下文字資料是由小編為大家搜集整理后發(fā)布的內容,讓我們趕快一起來看一下吧!旁若無人páng ruò wú rén
現代大學生們旁若無人的行為。 17, Pangruowuren modern college students.
放聲歌唱,旁若無人亮精彩。 Sing like nobody’s listening.
忘掉傷害盡情熱愛,旁若無人勁舞人生。 Love like never been hurt, Dance like nobody watch.
忘掉傷害盡情熱愛,旁若無人盡舞人生! Love like never been hunt, dance like nobody’s watching!
一對畫眉在車路旁的山坡上覓食,旁若無人。 A pair of Hwameis foraged on the slope next to the road, indifferent to the hikers around.
忘掉傷害,盡情熱愛,旁若無人,盡舞人生。 love like never been hurt, dance like nobody’s watching.
旁若無人的外形優(yōu)勢。 four articles, something the shape advantage.
公共汽車上,不會有人大聲的旁若無人的打手機! No one would speak aloud on a bus, or talking on a cell phone.
鳳凰花又一次旁若無人地盛開,開得荼糜,開得嬌艷。 Phoenix flower in full bloom again to open a tea Mi, was a beautiful.
有幾個人在一起喝酒,其中一人猛吃猛喝,旁若無人。 Several men sat together and drank. One of them ate more than anyone else.
即使在大樹仍未出新芽的情況下,小草們旁若無人地生長著。 Even in the trees yet to sprout out of the case, the grass grow with their haughty disregard of others.
接著,他就旁若無人地、滔滔不絕地介紹起他的圖書館來了。 Then he went on to introduce his library unceasingly, as if no one else was nearby.
我憐憫一個有點榮譽的人,就旁若無人而因此失去快樂的人。 I pity those who honor a little bit on the lost and happy person.
餐館里所有人的目光都集中在這個旁若無人的、害羞的、了不起的男人身上。 All eyes in the room turned their attention to this 13)intensely private, shy, wonderful man.
還原到生活中,誰還能找到原汁原味的這種娛樂形式,誰又能旁若無人地這么表演? To restore life, who can find the original of this form of entertainment, so who can perform Pangruowuren to?
那么,工作就要忘記是為了生存,戀愛如同從未受過傷害,舞蹈如同旁若無人一樣吧。 So, work like you don’t need money, love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like no one’s watching.
在街上行走,隨時可以見到激情擁吻的年輕情侶,他們那種旁若無人的忘我情景只會引人羨慕; Walking on the street, at any time, we can see the passion of young lovers clinch, that they Pangruowuren the scene of ecstasy will only cause envy;
這種做法是手里拿著筷子,做旁若無人狀,用筷子來回在桌子上的菜盤里巡找,知從哪里下筷為好。 Suppose that someone around you uses or on the table while transferring food from the serving dishes to your plate or bowl.
‘你好,莉莉,真是好意外啊!你怎么知道我在這里?’杰克忘了自己的任務,旁若無人地跟莉莉打招呼。 ‘Hello, Lily, surprise, surprise! How did you know I am here?’ Jack forgets his business and shouts as if nobody were there.
面對近鄰,李孝春旁若無人地講述自己的患病史,聲音、眼神一如既往,鄰桌亦如入無人之境地高聲叫牌。 In the face of close neighbors, Li Chun Pangruowuren to talk about their own history of illness, sound, as always, eyes, as well as a nearby table shouted into the position of no one bid.
沒有比樂在當下更愉快的。因此,以不缺錢的心情工作,用從未被傷過的心去愛,旁若無人般的盡情跳舞。 There is no better time to be happy than right now. So work like you don’t need money. Love like you’ve never been hurt. And dance like no one’s watching.
幸福永遠在旅途中,沒有終點站。那么,你就要不問薪水的去工作,敞開心扉的去愛,旁若無人的去跳舞。 Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So, work like you don’t need money, love like you’ve never been hurt, And dance like no one’s watching.
車廂里其他人開始也挺緊張,不過后來就放松了,任他罵去,也不抬頭看,也不理他,大家集體作旁若無人狀。 Others also carriage is nervous, but then relaxed, let him go, also don’t scold, also ignore he looked up, everyone like make collective.
因此,投入地去工作,讓人覺得你并不需要錢財;傾心的去愛,讓人覺得你不曾被傷害過;旁若無人地盡情去舞吧! So, work like you don’t need money; love like you’ve never been hurt; and dance like no one’s watching!
到半夜,馬西諾自己醒了過來,他打了個哈欠,喝下一小杯熱酒,又朝篝火吐了三口唾沫,然后,旁若無人地站起來直奔樹林。 At midnight Masino shook himself, yawned, drank a cup of mulled wine, spat three times into the fire, got up without looking at a soul, and headed for the woods.
在那里,他見到了金正日,這個面色凝重的領導人,他領導著這個世界上可能是壓制最厲害的國家,旁若無人地進行核彈測試。 There he met Kim Jong Il, the grim-faced leader of arguably the world’s most repressive regime and a defiant nuclear bomb-tester to boot.
然而有一天我在學校里重重的下了決心,決定要改變這一現狀。下一次和朋友們出去的時候,我走進了舞池,旁若無人的跳舞。 I went out with my friends, I just went to the dance floor, and danced like nobody was watching.
幸福是一個旅程,并非是目標。我們要像不需要錢一樣去努力工作;要像從來沒有受到過傷害一樣的去愛;要旁若無人的縱情的跳舞! Happiness is a journey. Not a destination . So work like , you don’t need money. love like , you have never been hurt. and dance like , no one’s watching!
尋找幸福的過程本身就是幸福這條路上沒有終點站。那么,你就要像不愁薪水那般去工作;敞開心扉那般去歡愛;旁若無人那般去歌舞。 Happiness is a journey not a destination. So work like you don’t need money love like you’ve never been hurt And dance like no one’s watching.
但是在解決交通擁擠中是另一種交通革命的前導:這種交通工具不消耗汽油,沒有廢氣排放,非常靜音以致有時會驚動旁若無人的步行者。 But ping through the congestion is the vanguard of another transportation revolution: vehicles that use no gas, emit no exhaust and are so quiet they can surprise the unwary pedestrian.
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